The Tall Guy

The Tall Guy is a 1989 British romantic comedy and the feature film debut of screenwriter Richard Curtis and director Mel Smith. It was produced by London Weekend Television for theatrical release and stars Jeff Goldblum, Emma Thompson, and Rowan Atkinson. Curtiss script draws from his experiences as straight man to longtime collaborator Rowan Atkinson.

Chronic hay fever prompts him to see a doctor, where he meets and falls quickly in love with Kate played by Emma Thompson, who works there as a nurse.Soon after meeting Kate, Dexter is fired by Ron. After being rejected for a role in a new Steven Berkoff play for lacking anger, Dexter wins the title role in a new Royal Shakespeare Company musical based on The Elephant Man. Its a nasty sendup of Andrew Lloyd Webber called Elephant which features a song called Hes Packing His Trunk and a finale which ends with the lyric Somewhere up in heaven theres an angel with big ears ........

Source: Wikipedia